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Traveling Exhibit Illustrating Alaska: Artists Making Children’s Books

“While it can seem like magic, it’s a job with many steps.” – Michaela Goade

Explore the colorful and intriguing process of children’s book illustration. This exhibit highlights the jobs of four Alaskan illustrators: Jim Fowler, Evon Zerbetz, Michaela Goade, and Mitchell Watley.

This is work. This is messy. This is fun.

The Process of Making Illustrations

Jim, Evon, Michaela, and Mitch each have their own unique approach to creating illustrations.

  • Mitch creates his sketches in pencil. Then he brings them into the computer and digitally illustrates them.
  • Jim also starts with sketches, but he paints his illustrations in acrylic after storyboarding the images.
  • Evon does her work in linoleum. After carving the image, she inks and prints her work by hand.
  • Michaela sketches, paints in watercolor, and then adds digital finishing touches.

Each piece in the exhibit is comprised of sketches, drafts, and a final work to show the iterative process.

An Exhibit For Kids

Walking into the exhibit, visitors may notice that the artwork is hung a little lower than usual. This is an exhibit that celebrates artwork for children. Although taller adults will still be able to easily see the pieces, we want the kids to know that this is an exhibit for them.

Work by Evon Zerbetz

Exhibit Layout

Each of the four artists have three pieces on display. The artwork is displayed on a paint drip-shaped plywood panel, with edges covered in acrylic. This shows the edges of the work and the roughness of the drafts to emphasize the “process” theme of the exhibit.

Looping Video

A 27-minute video is included in the exhibit package and features:

  • the illustrators answering kids' questions
  • an animated telling of Shanyaak’utlaax Salmon Boy in Tlingit with English subtitles from Sealaska Heritage, featuring Michaela’s work
  • a process demo of Mitch digitally coloring mountain goats
  • Evon and Jim reading their stories

The video can be projected on the wall or displayed on a monitor on a loop.

Illustration Activity

Visitors are encouraged to try their hand at illustration. They can experience what different artist studios feel like and sit at an artist’s desk and create thumbnail sketches.

Reading Area

Visitors can explore stacks of books in the reading area. We recommended seating for two or more, encouraging children and adults to look through the books or read to each other. We will provide books illustrated by the four artists and other Alaskan children’s books.

Presented by ExhibitAK and the Alaska State Museum

ExhibitAK manages the traveling exhibit Illustrating Alaska: Artists Making Children’s Books. Please contact ExhibitAK directly for booking inquiries.


Exhibition Specifications

Ships in 3 Travel Crates

  • Crate 1: 47.5” x 33.5” x 19.5” 270 lbs
  • Crate 2: 47.5” x 33.5” x 24.5” 265 lbs
  • Crate 3: 47.5” x 33.5” x 24.5” 265 lbs


  • 18 panels with 1–5 iterations each
  • 4 studio sketches on canvas, approx. 66” w x 48” h
  • 24 graphic panels on 3 mm ACM panels
  • A 27 minute video, to be projected on a loop
  • A selection of books illustrated by the four artists

Approximate Size

  • 93 linear feet, not including space between

Booking Arrangements

Participation Fee: Contact ExhibitAK
Shipping: ExhibitAK makes all arrangements; exhibitors pay outgoing shipping costs
Booking Period: 12 weeks
Tour: Beginning Summer 2021

Companion Pieces


Kids illustrate their own piece of text. They are guided through the creative process to brainstorm, create thumbnail sketches, choose one, and finalize. They can add their work to a book alongside illustrations from other visitors. PDFs are provided, colored pencils not included. Instructions are available for K–3 and 4th grade and up.


Developed with the Juneau School District, teachers will find four lesson plans to use with their class, whether they visit the exhibit in person or not.


  • Tiny Book Project for Kids and Families, taught by Evon Zerbetz via Zoom or in person.
  • Curator talk

Pop-Up Exhibition

A 10-panel exhibit is available to libraries, schools, and other public spaces that don’t have the ability to display artwork. Please contact us for more information.

Page last updated 06/06/2024