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Jeff Brown’s Great Alaska Game Show

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Jeff Brown’s Great Alaska Game Show entrance


Story Knifing and Quoits

Ivory and antler Story Knives

Seal Through the Hole and Bilboquet

Game Pieces

On the left carved ivory and walrus teeth toy bird figurines. Front, baleen and sinew toy whale figurines. Right, wood Tlingit Gambling Game. Right back, Nabatuk (spear the whale) children’s game made of seal humerus bone attached with a leather thong to the ankle tendon of a moose, Elim, AK. Center back, Nabatuk made of bone, wood, ivory, and rawhide by Mike Saclamana, King Island.

High Kick records

One-foot high kick record: 9’6” set by Brian Randazzo, 1988 and Jesse Frankson, 2002.


Front left

Ivory Two-Foot Jump by Earl Mayac, King Island

Back Left

Leather with braided yard High-Kick ball


Inupiaq Foot Ball made of seal skin, walrus gullet, and seal bristles from Point Barrow.

Above Right

Basket woven grass, seal fur, and cord Yo-Yos from Togiak.

Right Center

Mukluk Yo-Yo with oogruk, seal skin, and calf skin, by Mrs. Wongtillin, Gambil.

Front Right

Bleached and dyed seal skin, braided sinew, ivory Yo-Yo by Pansy Omwari, Savoonga.

Mukluk Yo-Yo with oogruk, seal skin, and calf skin, by Mrs. Wongtillin, Gambil. 2000-34-19

Eskimo Yo-Yo station

Second room entrance

Whale Game


Blanket Toss Figurines made of ivory, moose horn, seal skin, felt, and caribou fur.

Left made by Dwight Milligrock, Nome

Center by Frank Illana, King Island

Right by Lydia Milligrock Gerton, Diomede, AK

Tlingit Gambling Sticks from Sitka and Nazaq (pick-up sticks) made by Old Man Moore, Elim, AK

Stick and Tlingit Indians gambling, Dyea, Alaska

Alaska State Historical Library – Historical Collections. P171-66

Fox and Geese

North to Alaska

North to Alaska box cover and game pieces

The Klondike Game (III-0-962). Board game by Parker Brothers, c. 1900

The Klondike Game, game pieces

Gambler's Box

Gift of the Friends of the Alaska State Museum, 1998. 98-12-1. Designed for travel, these boxes often found their way to frontier areas with miners and gamblers. This box opens into a felt-covered playing surface, which are hinged and open to reveal with two velvet-lined compartments for dice, playing cards, and poker chips. The box also contains a .38 caliber revolver, cigar cutter, and whiskey flask. Miniature playing cards are affixed to the playing surface. A badge-shaped metal plate on the interior reads: "F. Houghton/Nome Alaska".

Walrus ivory cribbage boards and playing cards.

Ivory Cribbage Board (II-A-6473)
from Nunivak Island attributed to Robert Mayokik Sr.

Playing cards (III-0-617)
from the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle


Horsman’s Game of Klondike, c. 1897 by Maraquita Bangs

Front Left

White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad playing cards

Back Left

Seal of the District of Alaska playing cards.

Horsman’s Game of Klondike spinner and game board.

Horsman’s Game of Klondike spinner and game pieces.