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Artist Opportunities at Sheldon Jackson Museum

To stay informed about events at the Sheldon Jackson Museum, including open calls for solo artists exhibitions and the Native Artist Residency Program, subscribe to our events email list: Museum Exhibits & Events Notices.

Check out Artist Opportunities at the Alaska State Museum.

Alaska Native Artist Residency Program

Collage showing artist residency activities at the museum

About the Program

Since 1988, summer visitors to the Sheldon Jackson Museum in Sitka have enjoyed the opportunity to meet Alaska Native artists-in-residence at the Sheldon Jackson Museum. Artists discuss their culture, artwork, and creative process with visitors as they work in the gallery and give lectures and hands-on workshops and lead other public programs of their own design.

Individuals interested in making a donation to the residency program should contact the Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum by calling 907-747-6233 or emailing Friends of SJM.

Read more about the Native Artist Residency Program.

Solo artist exhibitions

12 sepia photos lined up in a 4x3 grid.
Image Credit: Peter Williams, Seasons, Transitions, skin sewing

The Sheldon Jackson Museum started displaying solo artist exhibitions by Alaskan Native artists in 2020.

Past Artists

  • Peter Williams (Yup'ik): hunter, artist, and designer based in Sitka, AK
  • Allie High (Unangan, Tsimshian, and Haida): mixed media artist based in Eagle River, incorporates Northwest Coast designs on glass, wood, silkscreen prints, animal hides, and metal.
  • Robert Hoffman (Tlingit): wood carver and painter originally from Kake.

Page last updated 06/19/2024